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Acne Laser Treatment Is Not The Perfect Solution ..Get One Today

Updated on December 12, 2017

If you have acne and tried every thing to treat it and you keep the laser treatment as your final port, you should know that it is not the perfect solution for acne as you can see here Resurfacing Reviews at, where people do not recommend it for those with minimal damage caused by acne. Today you will learn an unannounced way to eradicate acne by yourself, and let it goes away without any traces that may need laser treatment.

Laser Resurfacing Treatment

It is very effective for acne scarring, sun damaged spots, fine lines and age marks (in older people).
It feels less than it looks in the first days after treatment, and if things go right it heals quickly.
All the good feedback is given by people who used it for conditions other than acne scars, like fine lines, wrinkles, sun freckles and sun damage.

On the other side, laser resurfacing has the following drawbacks as reported by people who have used it, like:
- An aggressive technique
- You have to pick up an experienced and skilled doctor amongst cosmetic surgeons and dermatologists
- Painful for many people
- It takes a long downtime
- Expensive. It starts from around $ 500 to several thousands up to $ 25000
- It may be an extended technique when the treatment requires many sessions
- The after effects may include hypo- and hyper-pigmentation, scars, and rough skin
- Sometimes, it needs a long time to heal

Acne Laser Treatment Is Not For The Teens

Laser is used for resurfacing the soil and this is the same idea when applied to the skin, resurfacing.

Teens mostly suffer from acne itself and not scars caused by acne, these scars need time to develop and this is determined by acne severity and how it is treated.

In fact, the limiting factor in scar development is the type of treatment used when acne shows. Acne is the result of metabolic changes naturally ocuring in the body. Repeated wrong treatment of acne may lead to formation of pathological lesions the causes changes in the skin like scars and discoloration.

It is the perfect solution if we deal with the underlying cause every time acne develops, i.e. we should restore the normal biochemistry of the body to its normal condition. As you can see in this hub and this hub the surge of hormonal synthesis participates largely in metabolic changes leading to acne. There is surplus fat that is not properly metabolized to end with energy production.

The logic solution of the problem is to supply the body with tools to metabolize extra stored fat. Fortunately this can be done by supplying vitamins and amino acids that are involved in fat metabolism. The role of vitamins in metabolism is well known, but why amino acids, you may ask, well..fat bio-degradation can only start through a metabolite called Coenzyme A, and this can be only built by the reaction of vitamin B5( pantothenic acid) and the amino acid L-Cysteine (its precursor is L-Methionine) to form Pantethine which is the immediate precursor of Coenzyme A, and is now commercially produced.

Acne Solution Is A Cream You Make At Home

When we take oral supplements, it is with the purpose of circulating to reach the affected lesions, so why don't we apply them directly on the affected lesions? this is how I used this technique for many years with marvelous results.

I will describe to you exactly what I am making to to give you a practical advice rather than conventional wisdom. I have used L-Methionine as it is the only available choice in my area in place of L-Cysteine, will using L-Cysteine produce better results? I have not tried it. Can Pantethine itself be used instead of using 2 ingredients? I have not tried it.

You should keep in mind this preparation is used whenever there is acne breakouts, to quench them and prevent any progress that may change skin structure and lead to bad prognosis like scar formation.

Homemade Acne Cream Cure

You will need a desserts stainless steel knife (neither sharp nor pointed), a small yogurt pot or used cream jar, and the following ingredients:
- Pantothenic acid (Calcium Pantothenate) ------ 6 g ( 1 1/2 teaspoon)
- L- Methionine --------- 4 g ( 1 teaspoon)
- Glycerin -------------- 25 ml ( 1 ounce)
- Glysolid cream -------- 100 g
- Chamomile oil --------- few drops
- Aloe vera oil --------- few drops

- Add glycerin to the powders and mix using the knife to make a paste. Use a pot, jar or plate.
- To this paste add an equal amount of Glysolid cream and mix well using the knife
- Add the remaining Glysolid cream to the mixture and thoroughly mix
- Add a few drops of both chamomile and aloe vera oils
- Fill an empty clean jar with the formed cream and keep in the fridge

Your preparation will have the nearest expiry date of the ingredients (suppose the nearst expiry date is for L-Methionine which is Feb 2011, then the cream will expire at this date). You can prepare small amount each time you need to use the cream, this amount is suffeicient for 3-4 days or maximum 1 week. to prepare 1/2 the amount divide the ingredients by 2 and 1/4 the amount by 4.

Use it every time there is a breakout of acne and keep the rest in the fridge.

Supplements that Help Cure Acne

As mentioned before, good metabolism needs all the vitamins and minerals. One needs antioxidants to guard against oxidation of the membrane lipids of skin cells.

However I stumbled upon a facial mask that is made of natural rice bran which contains the powerful antioxidants vitamin E and Lipoic acid (which is also needed for fat metabolism. The product review given by people who used it gives a good impression
,and you may try it. It is called  Komenuka Bijin Facial Cleansing Powder.


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